TN703 is a MPLS-TP based compact 1U rack-mount customer edge device that provides data services over an all packet transport. With its Time of the Day over packet and clock synchronization features and support of multiple interfaces, it is ideal for heterogeneous (2G/3G/LTE) mobile backhaul applications. TN703 comes in a 1U package and supports a 44G /6.4G switching fabric. Interfaces supported on TN703 include E1/T1, STM-1 (ATM, CES, POS), FE, GE, 10GE interfaces.


TN705 is a MPLS-TP based high-performance aggregation device with extended set of features that can be used either as a customer edge or as a first level aggregation device in metro networks. Based on the same modular architecture as the TN725, the TN705 provides 88G full duplex redundant switching fabric. Available in a 3U form factor, TN705 offers E1/T1, STM-1 (ATM, CES, POS), FE, GE, 10GE, STM-16 POS and STM-64 POS interfaces.


TN735 is a MPLS-TP based core and aggregation device with full duplex redundant 400G switching fabric. TN735 has a modular architecture and supports redundancy for all critical modules, offering a true carrier class core solution. TN735 provides a wide range of client interfaces and high capacity network interfaces for optimized capital expenditures and highest flexibility. Available in 18U form factor, TN735 offers E1/T1, STM1 (ATM, CES, POS), FE, GE, 10GE interfaces.